Friday, 13 March 2015

ulysses butterfly

The Ulysses butterfly, also known as the ‘mountain blue’, is a massive butterfly.

Female butterfly                                                                   , a male butterfly.
You can find this butterfly in Australia but to be more precise, northern Queensland, near the tropical rainforests.  It’s cool; it drinks from little puddles of water or from flowers. Here is an interesting fact about the butterfly; its wing span is 5.5 inches, so yes that is pretty big when a normal butterfly’s wingspan is around 2 inches. Before this creature turns into a beautiful blue and black butterfly it is a green with yellows spotted caterpillar. The caterpillar likes to eat a certain flower that grows on the branches of a tree called the pink flowered dough wood.

 When they are butterfly’s they like to eat pollen from flowers and nectar. It funny how the males get pretty much attracted to anything bright blue and when the females need to lay their eggs they usually lay it on another certain type of little tree that is just higher than 2 meters.

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